adi Consult
At adi Management, Consulting means far more than offering mere Advice. We create AND implement practical solutions and verify the achieved Results!
At adi, every Search Assignment is viewed as a challenge and opportunity at the same time. Our extensive experience in filling local, national, and international jobs, flexible systems and sizable database of qualified candidates ensure solid and timely results. Whether working on national or international jobs, our experienced staff can quickly and efficiently satisfy your personnel needs.
Our Management Consulting clients enjoy the benefits of our extensive worldwide logistics services industry experience and our practical hands-on approach which can cover all or any segment of the following: Business Analysis and Strategic Planning, Validating Existing or Creating New Business Plans, Optimizing and Streamlining Organizational Structures, Productivity and Efficiency Studies, as well as S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis.